In 1996, STA developed a training programme for chainsaw operators. Training began in August of the same year by the late Mr. Jean Mato, a Forest Industries Training and Educational Council (FITEC) registered trainer from New Zealand. This innovative programme was drawn up to train tree-felling operators in logging camps throughout Sarawak.

As training requirements grew significantly, STA Training Sdn Bhd (STAT), a subsidiary company of STA, was incorporated on 26 March 2002 to take over the training functions of STA to ensure forestry workers employed by members of STA can comply w​ith the then Section 54B of the Forests Ordinance, 1958 which is now Section 51(1) after passing of the Forests Ordinance, 2015 on 19 May 2015. This Section requires all logging companies (as employers) to hire properly trained workmen to carry out forestry activities, including harvesting operations.

Since then, STAT has been working closely with the Sarawak Government through the Forest Department Sarawak (FDS) to implement an integrated training system for the industry.  On 19 December 2016, STAT was appointed as a Training Provider by FDS to provide skills training for five (5) prescribed forestry activities as listed in Schedule 1 of The Forests (Trained Workmen) Rules, 2015. The Rules require workmen in the 5 prescribed forestry activities (namely tree felling, log extraction, log loading, clear-fell site preparation and mechanical site preparation) to be trained and certified prior to carrying out forestry activities.

With staff strength of nine (9), STAT manages the provision of training programmes to the industry.


A.   Skills Training     

Skills trainings in forestry activities have been designed to provide forest workmen with basic knowledge and practical skills required to work safely in the forests. It also help create awareness on the environment, sustainable forest management as well as occupational safety and health.

STAT currently trains workmen or operators working in the forests and provides opportunity for trained workmen to upskill as in-house trainers.     

Training of Workmen or Operators

The skills training offered by STAT is not limited to its members. Any companies in the industry can contact STAT to discuss training arrangements. Presently, there are twelve (12) skills sets conducted by STAT:  

1.    Tree Felling – Chainsaw (Natural Forest)*
The scope of training covers basic maintenance of chainsaw and tree felling using proper techniques that minimise breakage and facilitate extraction.

2.    Log Extraction – Tractor (Natural Forest)*
The scope of training covers maintenance of a tractor (crawler or skidder) and operational requirements for log extraction.

3.    Log Loading – Front End Loader (Natural Forest)*
The scope of training covers basic maintenance of a log loader, moving logs from stack and position logs securely on logging truck.

4.    Clear-Fell Site Preparation – Chainsaw (Forest Plantation)*
The scope of training covers maintenance of a chainsaw and the use of chainsaw for land clearing operations for forest plantation establishment.

5.    Mechanical Site Preparation – Excavator (Forest Plantation)*
The scope of training covers basic excavator maintenance, the use of excavator for forest plantation site preparation, including spreading and crushing.

6.    Tree Felling – Chainsaw (Forest Plantation)
The scope of training covers clearfell forest harvesting operations, basic maintenance of chainsaw and felling of trees in a forest plantation in a safe and cost effective manner by using proper felling techniques.

7.    Log Extraction – Tractor (Forest Plantation)
The scope of training covers clearfell forest harvesting operations, maintenance of tractor and operational requirements for log extraction in a forest plantation environment.

8.    Log Extraction – Cable Hauler (Forest Plantation)
The scope of training covers clearfell forest harvesting operations, maintenance of cable hauler, cable harvesting equipment systems, rigging, usage of wire ropes in forest harvesting as well as planning and setting up cable hauler.

9.    Breaking Out – Cable Hauler (Forest Plantation)
The scope of training covers clearfell forest operations, usage of wire ropes in forest harvesting, maintaining rigging, coordinating breaking out process as well as planning and carrying out lineshifts.

10. Log Loading – Excavator (Forest Plantation)
The scope of training covers clearfell forest operations, maintenance of excavator type loader as well as moving logs from stack and position logs securely on logging truck.

11. Tree and Log Identification
The scope of training covers usage of recommended tools and equipment, identifying tree species by examining leaf, bark and types of buttress as well as identifying log species by examining outer bark.

12. Log and Timber Identification
The scope of training covers usage of recommended tools and equipment, identifying log species by examining outer bark, identifying timber species by examining the anatomical features and basic timber identification techniques.

* Prescribed forestry activities as listed in Schedule 1 of The Forests (Trained Workmen) Rules, 2015.

Courses offered by STAT, HRD claimable

Starting from 1 January 2024, all the 12 skills sets offered by STAT are charged at RM750.00 per day per skills set for STA members and RM1,500.00 per day per skills set for non-members together with the travelling expenses (air tickets, transportation, accommodation and daily allowance of the trainers/assessors).  These 12 skills sets are also claimable under the HRD Claimable Courses Scheme (Appendix 1).

Appendix 1

No. Course Name Course Serial No.
      1 Tree Felling-Chainsaw (Natural Forest)                                    ​10001182993
      2 Log Extraction-Tractor (Natural Forest)                                    ​10001182224
      3 Log Loading-Front End Loader (Natural Forest)                                    10001182429
      4 Mechanical Site Preparation-Excavator(Forest Plantation)                                ​    10001182439
      5 Clear-Fell Site Preparation-Chainsaw (Forest Plantation)                                    10001182221
      6 Tree Felling-Chainsaw (Forest Plantation)                                    10001183153
      7 Log Extraction-Cable Hauler (Forest Plantation)                                    10001183154
      8 Log Extraction-Tractor (Forest Plantation)                                    
      9 Log Loading-Excavator (Forest Plantation)                                    10001182093
     10 Breaking Out-Cable Hauler (Forest Plantation)                                    10001182217
     11 Tree and Log Identification                                    10001182441
     12 Log and Timber Identification                                    10001183145

For more information, please contact Mr Denis Aman/ Mr Wong How Chu, Training Officers at 082-332222.

Training of In-house Trainers

STAT also provides Unit 7108: Conducting On-Job Training for Adults to support capacity building within the industry.  By enrolling successfully trained workmen in this course,  company can create a pool of in-house trainers to carry out training for their workmen.